Jul 21, 2024

What it looks like to be one of the best Webflow Enterprise Agencies

What it looks like to be one of the best Webflow Enterprise Agencies
What it looks like to be one of the best Webflow Enterprise Agencies

If you're reading this article, you likely already know all about Webflow. You’ve done the research, checked out the competition, and seen what’s available on the market. You’ve probably been seduced by Webflow’s well-earned reputation among industry experts as the go-to, low-code web development technology. Agencies love it because it’s highly customizable, scalable, and enhances productivity. Clients love it because it’s intuitive and easy for their in-house teams to manage and maintain.

So it is universally lauded, and for good reason. But like all creative endeavors, it is constrained by the mastery and imagination of the minds that use the technology to build. Webflow can’t create by itself. It is a tool, and as such, results vary dramatically based on the talent and ambition of the individuals wielding it. This is where great Webflow Agencies come in. For enterprise clients, in particular, they are worth their weight in gold.

To see a solid ROI for your website, it’s savvy to enlist the expertise and resources of a specialist Webflow Enterprise Agency. They’ll lift the constraints that limit consultants or freelancers and use their extensive resources to extract every ounce of power and potential from the platform. With the right Webflow Agency leading your project, you’ll walk away with a powerful marketing tool that will pay for itself many times over.

For potential enterprise clients, it is worthwhile knowing what to look for in a Webflow Enterprise Agency. Understanding what it takes to be an agency that consistently delivers a sophisticated digital experience will be invaluable when it comes time to choose your Webflow partner. What follows is a breakdown of what you should keep an eye out for before making your selection:

With Webflow Agencies, the partnership status matters.

This is a case of the right tool for the right job. Webflow’s partner program is a network of Webflow-approved professionals and agencies. An agency’s status will tell you if it will be a good fit for you or not, depending on your needs. Webflow Enterprise Agencies are approved by Webflow to work with larger customers on Webflow’s enterprise platform.

While it is relatively more straightforward to gain Webflow Professional partner status, Webflow Enterprise Agency status is more coveted and a lot harder to attain. It requires a certain advanced level of experience, including a set number of Webflow enterprise projects as a minimum starting point, as well as a required number of Webflow enterprise projects per year. Other qualifying criteria involve, among others, an agency workspace, an agency website, case studies, and website reviews.

If the agency has Webflow Enterprise partner status, then its portfolio will include enterprise projects. Take a look through those case studies, especially to see if they include any Fortune 500 clients. This is an indication of an agency with high enterprise-caliber experience.

We like to ensure that the case studies featured on our agency’s website cover a range of enterprise clients from various industries with varying requirements. We cover the projects in detail so that potential clients can have an accurate overview of the solutions we offer so they can make an informed decision based on real-world results.

Look for the right team producing the right results.

Creating a website that is a work of art doesn’t come from merely assembling specialists and throwing them at a project. That’s like throwing paint at a canvas and hoping for the Mona Lisa. True success requires forethought, communication, and collaboration. It demands an experienced Webflow team with access to the right resources.

Successful Webflow Agencies have nurtured and cultivated talents into a cohesive unit that offers the best blend of diversity in terms of expertise and experience, blending it with a unity of purpose and a common culture of excellence. That way, at any given time during any project the agency and their clients are always confident they have the right people in the room. 

At SVZ, we’ve invested in sourcing and retaining talented individuals who share our common goals. This approach has transformed our ability to deliver exceptional results. Our team is agile, experienced, and able to pivot smoothly to meet challenges. For example, for some clients like Utz Brand, we provided talent that could create and produce original photography, videography, 3D rendering, and custom animations all in-house at the SVZ studio. While other clients like XR Extreme Reach required a website offering a sleek and memorable visual experience without compromising on its UX functionality. And all this under the constraints of a tight deadline with a quick turnaround. We have worked with a range of enterprise clients and each project presents unique growth opportunities - have a look at our work to see how our creatives have solved these challenges. Having a resourceful and inventive team that thrives in a vibrant and exciting work environment is essential. And thanks to our distributed team, we are able to cover global time zones. This formula has consistently produced outstanding results for our clients.

When choosing a Webflow Agency that specializes in dealing with enterprise clients, cast an eye over their case studies and check to see if their portfolio displays comprehensive services indicative of a team with depth and experience.

Do they have access to extensive resources?

Having the right team is only half the equation; the other half is having access to the right resources and assets. An extensive range of resources ensures that an agency’s services are holistic and in-depth. Even if you only require a web redesign, partnering with an agency that understands and can create all these elements guarantees a deeper understanding of your current position. Good Webflow Agencies offer wide-ranging solutions because they allow you to scale effectively without the need for multiple agencies. By creating strategies, brands, and assets in-house, agencies can seamlessly integrate and evolve these elements throughout the creative process.

For example, at SVZ we provide our clients with a comprehensive suite of services that extend far beyond just web design and development. Our expertise includes web strategy, brand strategy, content strategy, and brand production. Additionally, we specialize in motion design, custom development, and video/content creation from our LA studio. We also offer SEO, PPC, automation, and CRM customization. 

Choosing a Webflow Enterprise Agency with ample resources means opting for a solution that offers a unified and strategic approach, ensuring your project's success from every angle. Again, look at their portfolio and the services they provide. What resources do they have access to and how all-encompassing are the solutions they offer? The more holistic their offering the better.

Do they have a proven process?

When browsing prospective Webflow Agencies, it is easy to be wowed by slick imagery and eye-catching animations. But to be sure you’re connecting with the right partner who’ll work with you to see your goals realized, it’s critical to peek beneath the hood and see how it runs.

Knowing an agency has a tried and tested process and that they follow their process to successful conclusions for their clients instills a sense of confidence in their ability to deliver. It provides operational transparency that engenders trust and understanding between all the parties. 

An important aspect of our process that many agencies neglect in their single-minded focus on producing a flashy website, is the research component. We offer our clients business understanding, competitor analysis, empathy mapping sessions, persona posters, user outreach and surveys, user stories, and user flows. Even if a company doesn’t require all these services, having access to the data generated by specifically selected elements based on a thorough needs analysis still provides invaluable insights. From the research insights and recommendations, we can make informed decisions regarding design, content, and layout that produce a website that converts.

Not everyone thinks it is worthwhile showing clients the nuts and bolts of how they build brands and create websites, but at SVZ we think differently. We have found that clearly articulating and explaining our process to the clients from discovery call through to handing over the website, lays the groundwork for a seamless process based on everyone understanding what is happening, when it is happening, and why it is happening. This not only keeps clients in the loop but also keeps projects on track. Take a look at the SVZ process and FAQs for an in-depth understanding of how we go about delivering a website that impresses stakeholders and converts users.

How do they communicate?

And, of course, with every interaction, communication is key. A great Webflow Enterprise Agency is going to have in place multiple channels of communication with their clients. 

We like to have various lines of communication open between ourselves and our clients at all times. SVZ’s communication points run the gamut from traditional phone and email to Slack channels, Monday boards, and online meetings. We like to keep our clients abreast of current project status and upcoming next steps. We communicate research insights and articulate strategic decisions on design, messaging, and development to ensure that all parties are aligned and all decisions are data-driven and understood by the team. 

The outcome of this consistent process and clear communication is that we get the right results on the first go around, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming redesigns and rebuilds. We are also able to empower the in-house marketing team with our training and hand-over sessions while simultaneously eliminating the need for expensive retainers down the line. 

A flawless experience goes beyond standard design and development.

Every Webflow Enterprise Agency worth its salt is going to have a portfolio loaded with sleek-looking case studies. The way to separate the good from the great is to see which case studies show the agency does more than the standard web design and development. 

A top Webflow Enterprise Agency is going to delve much deeper than surface good looks. Great design agencies identify and leverage brand opportunities to create a cohesive and engaging digital experience. 

From a design standpoint, every detail is crafted to be unique and memorable from dynamic scroll interactions to the smallest brand expressions in buttons. The ultimate aim is a website that is not only visually striking but also highly functional and user-friendly, ensuring a sophisticated and seamless journey for all users.

The same can be said for standard development. The best agencies are going to take an integrated approach and analyze the entire tech stack behind it. Enterprise clients will expect a visually stunning website that captivates users, but their primary focus lies on performance, accessibility, and ultimately conversions. They prioritize mobile speed, structured data markup, and adherence to accessibility standards amongst others, and meeting these criteria is a baseline expectation for an enterprise-level agency.

At SVZ, we focus on turning complexity into simplicity for our clients. We meticulously review their tech systems, audit their tech stack, and provide strategic recommendations. Our goal is to create an effortless experience for both users and clients. The site has to operate flawlessly for both the customers who use it and the staff who maintain it. 

Final takeaway

A website is one of the most powerful tools companies have in their marketing arsenal. However, for all their potential potency, a poorly performing website can be catastrophic. Carefully selecting the right Webflow Enterprise Agency to help you reach your digital goals is crucial. It’s not only important to create a seamless website experience for your end-users but for your in-house team as well, who will be responsible for updating and managing this resource. The top Webflow Agencies understand this and will help meet and even exceed your expectations.

There are good design agencies out there. Hopefully, this article will help you on your mission to select the perfect fit for your project. Would you like to know more, or are you ready for the next steps? Schedule a discovery call with the team at SVZ. At the very least, we can give you some great advice!

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Benefits of integrating Shopify with Webflow

Benefits of integrating Shopify with Webflow

Scott Van Zandt

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What is an RFP?

A request for proposal (RFP) is a great way for you to quickly get us up to speed on your project. It should include an introduction to your company and the reason for submitting your RFP. Tell us what it is you hope to accomplish with us and lay out any problems you or your users face with your current site. Lastly, please provide an overview of your project scope, timeline, and budget. We're happy to guide you through this on a call.