Apr 1, 2020

Set Your Marketing Team Free With Webflow

Set Your Marketing Team Free With Webflow
Set Your Marketing Team Free With Webflow

Read Time: 5min


In many companies, there are two teams who are forced to work together but are at odds with one another - Marketing and Development.

The marketing team needs help from the engineering (a.k.a development) team to make website changes, landing pages, SEO-optimized content, etc. The engineering team needs to focus on the product and doesn’t see the importance of changing a bit of text to an H1 headline.


Here is the essence of the problem:

Without marketing, there is no product.

Without the product, there’s nothing to market.

Jenny on the marketing team needs to update key pages, graphics, and copy on the company website in order to test and amplify the team’s vision. She doesn’t want to ask Tyler, one of the developers, to make the changes because she can already imagine his eyes rolling on the zoom call. 

Because Tyler is more focused on fixing bugs and creating a functional product, Jenny’s requests fall somewhere on the lower end of his to-do list. She asks anyway because an outdated, non-SEO-optimized page won’t bring in more customers. The delay in updates means problems for both sides - Jenny can’t properly test and track which marketing efforts work best while precious time has been taken from the developers by having to accomplish these simple tasks.

This is a common - and frustrating - Catch 22.

We are happy to report that there is a solution. 

You can give each department control over their own processes and task lists. You can give the marketing team power over marketing websites without jeopardizing the safety of the product while at the same time allowing the engineers to focus on what they do best - and what they’re being paid big bucks to do.

By freeing the marketing team from the fingertips of the engineers, both groups can better conduct their work and make bigger impacts for the company.

3 Things You Need to Do

First, Know That It CAN Be Done

This is a well-known problem facing many growing companies. And there are solutions available.

Finding the balance between marketing updates that need to be made and the engineering time required to make them is a constant struggle. Your marketing team shouldn’t have to wait a few days or weeks for simple tweaks and changes. It’s not effective for them to run new campaigns this way or to ensure proper message-testing.

Your engineers shouldn’t have to break their flow to make these low-level repairs. They need to focus their limited and expensive time on significant updates to the product that lead to a real improvement for the customer and the company as a whole.

The marketing team isn’t trained in updating the marketing code nor do they often have access to the site to begin with. By being dependent on the developers, your marketing team is being held back and their work is stifled.

There are a number of potential solutions for your company to detangle these departments from each other and when you find the right one, everyone will breathe a sigh of relief. The marketing team will be able to A/B test their concepts with ease, the developers will be able to focus on product updates, and your business will realize the impacts of having a well-oiled machine when each part works seamlessly with the others.

The solutions are out there, you only need to dial in on the right one.

Second, Partner with a Webflow Expert

One of the fixes to this universal problem is to partner with a Webflow expert. Webflow allows companies to easily give non-technical, no-code staff the power to manage and scale their marketing website, giving your engineers their valuable time back.

A struggle we often see is the fact that marketing teams don’t have their own design teams to work with. Therefore, they rely heavily on the engineering/development team to make simple changes that may seem insignificant to the developer but is critical for marketing. This reliance is not the best use of time for either team.

Jenny has to wait on Tyler to have the opportunity to make her requested changes but in the marketing world, access to rapid data and the ability to pivot on a dime is critical in determining which strategies work. When Jenny has to wait for Tyler, she’s missing valuable time and Tyler is spending too much of his valuable time on simple updates that cost the company even more for him to make.

By working with SVZ, you can disentangle these two teams from each other. We’ll help you design and develop marketing websites that your marketing team can manage & scale on their own with confidence.

SVZ uses Webflow to create marketing websites that any non-technical team can operate without needing to detract engineering focus from the product.

Give the power and the freedom back to your marketing team so that the developers can focus on what they do best.

Third, De-Couple Marketing from Developers

When you work with a Webflow expert, you can de-couple these two warring teams. This gives more time to both departments to work on the projects that are critical to their - and your - success.

Give confidence to both teams. When marketing can make their necessary changes and engineering can focus on the more pressing issues, each department will thrive. Gaining independence from each other helps the entire process speed up.

This also ensures better budgeting because you’re not paying an engineer $200,000 a year to change headings and the marketing team doesn’t have to wait in line to have small updates made.

Allow your content teams to create content and your development team to develop. Don’t force them to try and work together with busy schedules and misaligned timelines.

Book a discovery call today. 

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Scott Van Zandt

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What is an RFP?

A request for proposal (RFP) is a great way for you to quickly get us up to speed on your project. It should include an introduction to your company and the reason for submitting your RFP. Tell us what it is you hope to accomplish with us and lay out any problems you or your users face with your current site. Lastly, please provide an overview of your project scope, timeline, and budget. We're happy to guide you through this on a call.